Final Fantasy XV: The Biggest Game Leak

Official Release Date: November 29th 2016

The official release date for the much-anticipated fifteenth installment of the Final Fantasy series, Final Fantasy XV, is November 29 of this year.

Final Fantasy XV Cover Art

The release date hasn’t, however, stopped gaming stores in Peru, Saudi Arabia, and elsewhere from breaking the street date and selling the game early to eager fans. Nor has it stopped those who purchased the same from sharing information about gameplay online.

Because some stores worldwide have disregarded the game’s simultaneous global release date, many people have already purchased and played the unreleased game. For those who haven’t, the internet is currently awash with spoilers. YouTube users who purchased the game, for example, have been uploading gameplay videos that leave little to the imagination. Some bloggers have even criticized the most recent trailers for giving away too much.

In an official statement, game director Hajime Tabata confirmed that stores disregarded the release date meant to give all players a chance to discover the game’s surprises at the same time. He blamed the early releases on “regional circumstances”and said that developer Square Enix is doing all it can to prevent the spread of spoilers. He also advised those who are waiting for November 29 to stay away from potential spoilers.

Many have been waiting for Final Fantasy XV for a long time – some for over a decade. Square Enix first announced the installment at the Electronic Entertainment Expo (E3) back in 2006. In the seven years between 2006 and 2013,fans circulated many rumors about the status of its release. These included rumors that Square Enix had cancelled the game or that it was permanent vaporware, a game stuck in the conceptual phase forever.

Square Enix Logo

In 2013, Square Enix re-revealed the open world action role-playing game. The re-reveal breathed new life into the franchise and the year later, Square Enix released a long-awaited Final Fantasy XVdemo.

The game is set in the divided world of Eos, where the two protagonists – Noctis and his fiancé Lunafreya – must recapture the magic crystal of Lucis from the clutches of Lucis’s enemy nation, Niflheim. Noctis, crown prince of Lucis, is the only playable character, but the world is complex and features an array of key secondary characters including the evil Emperor IedolasAldercapt.

Final Fantasy XV Character

This most recent installment mimics the themes of other installments in the iconic Final Fantasy series – including fantasy, folklore, a hero, two countries at war, multiple or complex villains, and a mythic battle of good versus evil. These have been the series’ motifs since Square released the first installment in 1987 and the newest game does not neglect them.

Final Fantasy I in 1987 on the Nintendo Entertainment System

Square Enix is dedicated to making its newest installment run smoothly. The developer will release a patch on November 29, called the “Crown Update,” that will improve several aspects of the games function – like camera improvements that make it easier for the player to track action in narrow areas – and will add new items to the world – like recipes and more fish varieties for collectors.

Along with the patch, Final Fantasy XV will be available everywhere on November 29, for PlayStation 4 and Xbox One.  Please feel free to share, tweet and add to the Final Fantasy XV conversation as the link unravels.

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