Bond 4G LTE Connections to Build a Fast Internet Network Anywhere (Even in the Sticks)
By: Stephen Kota
For people in rural areas, connecting to the internet is often a test in patience. Both substandard speeds and inadequate coverage make fast internet

networks a rarity, since none of the connections that rural folks have access to – 3G, satellite internet, T1, dial-up, and even 4G LTE sometimes – offer stellar connection speeds.
Luckily, there is a way to combine multiple weak connections into a home internet connection with speeds that rival the blistering download and upload throughputs of cable or DSL internet connections. It’s called broadband bonding. Here’s when and how to bond mobile broadband to build a fast internet network.
Double, Triple, or Quadruple Your 4G LTE Speeds
Broadband bonding combines the internet service of multiple providers to build bandwidth and speed throughputs. Load balancing routers bond the connections together, combining multiple weak connections into a single strong one for your home or office.
A load balancing router breaks a download or an upload into multiple data packets, which it sends to multiple connections. Because each network processes a smaller amount of data for any given download
or upload, congestion is minimized and data transfers faster over each network.
In computer science terms, this is called inverse multiplexing. Sexy, no?
Although the quality of the router and its software affect the bonding process, a bonded connection will, essentially, be the sum of its parts. So, if you bond together two 4G LTE connections that download at 16.5 Mbps, you’ll experience download speeds of 33 Mbps.
Bond Multiple, Equivalent 4G LTE Connections
Broadband bonding is the most beneficial and the most cost effective for people with access to relatively weak, relatively equivalent signals from multiple
A Smart Bonding Router handling DSL, Cellular and satellite internet
providers. Bonding the connections (and, therefore, utilizing all equivalent networks) improves the download speed, the upload speed, and the reliability of the network.
If you live in an area where you get a strong signal from one provider, but not others, broadband bonding isn’t your best choice. Bonding a relatively strong connection (Verizon 4G LTE downloading at, say, 4 Mbps) with a weak connection (Sprint 4G LTE downloading at, say, 1 Mbps) improves speeds marginally (from 4 Mbps to 5 Mbps), but you’ll still be paying out to both Verizon and Sprint each month.
If one 4G LTE signal is clearly much stronger than any other, don’t bond it. Instead, amplify the strong connection with a cellular repeater system.
Load Balancing Routers and a Fast PC Processor
Most load balancing routers can bond internet connections (i.e. combine connections to build speed), balance connections (i.e. send a request over the individual connection that is currently fastest), or provide a failback (i.e
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. when the primary connection fails, fall back on a backup connection).
Load balancing in terms of binary codes
As a general rule: bond multiple weak connections, balance unreliable connections with fluctuating connection speeds, and failback onto a slower, but more reliable connection like, in this case, dialup. To choose one of these options, access your router’s configuration panel.To bond, you’ll also need a computer with, typically, at least 128 MB of synchronous dynamic random-access memory (SDRAM) and 32 MB of Flash memory, plus a central processing unit fast enough to
process traffic efficiently. Broadband bonding is as much a software as a hardware solution.